Eight Additional Ways to Save 
MDS is always looking for ways to save our customers money and for ways to show how much we appreciate their support. Listed below are new ways to save of your purchases with us.
1. FREE Shipping: Transportation costs are a major expense to distribution businesses and whether you realize it or not, consumers indirectly pay for inbound and/or outbound freight charges with the prices you pay. You see, distribution businesses take their acquisition cost, figure in any inbound/outbound shipping costs then markup it up to arrive at a retail price. So beware-shop and compare!! Companies selling product with free shipping could actually cause you to buy a product at an inflated price!
With MDS, we offer low retail prices but we also reward customers with FREE SHIPPING on on-line orders over $499. And, as an added bonus, when you contact MDS for deviated price discounts, we try and include the shipping if we can!
2. Auto Delivery: Our auto-delivery service allows customers to schedule — on a recurring basis — when their products are shipped. This eliminates the chances of back orders, reduces inventory carry and increases service levels. Any items put on automatic delivery will receive a discounted price!
3. Volume Price Discounts: If you're searching to purchase a pallet or master packed cartons of one item or a variety of healthcare, cleanroom or industrial related safety supplies and seeking price discounts, please Contact MDS today for aggressive non-published pricing!
Customers who inquire for volume discounts could be eligible for additional coupons or gift card incentives!
4. Contract Prices: Contract pricing is available for businesses that require a large amount of product on yearly basis. Contract pricing is different than volume discounts as it contains exclusive factory incentives or subsides on a case by case basis.
5. Email Blasts: We promise not to overwhelm you with non-relevant emails. Rather, our customer service emails contain valuable announcements and savings so keep eye open or you may miss out. Email blasts promote cutting edge new items, sale discounts and non-published promotions for free gift offers but you need to become an established customer first!
6. Reorder Incentive: Receive free gift cards when you re-order with MDS. Orders over $225 are eligible for a $10 gift card!
7. On-line Instant Coupons: If you navigate through our E-com store, you will notice valuable on-line coupons. When the minimum purchase amount is met, these coupons can be accumulated on a per category basis.
8. Referral Incentive: By referring customers to MDS Associates, you could earn cash rewards and save your friend money on their first purchase. And, the more they spend, the greater the discount and spending cash for you both.
For over 30 years our family business has built a reputation for No Gimmicks / No Frills / No Bait and Switch. We strive to offer the lowest price, best value on the internet. If you find a current lower price on an identical, in-stock item from any competitor, we will either match the price or beat it.
Our phones are answered by a person!
We Realize You Have a Choice...Thank You for Selecting MDS! Please contact us with questions, for samples or to place an order today!
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+800.274.4637 | +716.668.4001 | +716.668.4496 | [email protected]