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Superior Hand Protection for Hygienic Brewing

A craft brewery or microbrewery is a brewery that produces small amounts of beer, typically 15,000 barrels or less per year beer (much less than large breweries) and is often independently owned. The Brewers Association defines a craft brewer as a small and independent brewer. There are six distinct craft beer industry market segments: microbreweries, brewpubs, taproom breweries, regional breweries, contract brewing companies, and alternating proprietors.

While each segment has their own emphasis and new flavors, there’s one thing that’s common and its’ the process of brewing. Put simply, “brewing” is the practice of regulating the interactions between water, starch, yeast, and hops so that the eNeoprene Gloves from the Superior Glove companynd result is what is called beer. Taste success very much relies on how clean the equipment is. Anything or anyone that comes in contact with the wort or beer after the boil process should be sanitized. This list includes the fermentor, the airlock and stopper, hoses, bottles, spoons, racking canes, stoppers and so on.

Capture the Batch

Nothing hurts a small producer like losing a batch of beer contaminated by improperly cleaned facilities or equipment. Selecting the proper protective glove helps maintain sanitary conditions while protecting operators against potential brewing hazards such as steam, heat, flames and punctures. Popular among breweries are the Chemstop™ brand of neoprene gloves from the renowned Superior Glove® company.

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Chemstop™ Neoprene Glove Styles NE240TKL and NE250TRC feature an acrylic terry lining for thermal insulation along with a diamond-grip finish on the palms for a powerful and agile grip in wet and dry work environments. Available in 16-inch and 20-inch lengths, both glove styles are ANSI safety rated level 3 resistant against industrial punctures and heat. With heat stability up to 392°F, these gloves are perfectly suited for hot/cold liquid applications and steam.

Neoprene is often selected because of its’ ability to resist the effects of aging, sunlight, ozone, oxidation and weather, as well as a broad range of oils and chemicals that attack natural rubber gloves like acids, caustics, oils, grease, and many solvents. Neoprene can also be easily cleaned for re-use.

There’s no getting around it – brewing involves cleaning. Help your future business by keeping a safe brewery, building trust with your customers and producing consistent top-quality products. But first you need to tap the link and…

+shop for ChemStop™ Neoprene Gloves here now

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