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(Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM EST)


Have a Safe & Enjoyable Holiday Season

We're Here if You Have a Question 800-274-4637

(Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM EST)


Have a Safe & Enjoyable Holiday Season

Contain Spills with Drop-In DriMop® Liquid Solidifier Pouches

 DriMop ® Liquid AbsorbersSafe Compliance Packaging Products for Specimen Shipping

If you’re seeking the ideal solution for the shipping, storing, handling and transportation of aqueous solutions, dilute alkalis, toxic solutions, urine specimens, etiologic agents, radioactive solutions or biohazardous fluids that need to be contained, then consider DriMop® Liquid Absorber Solidifiers from Multisorb Technologies.

These self-dissolving and rapid absorbing fluid solidifiers, or fluid immobilizers, allow medical facilities and labs to be compliant with the handling, shipping and compliance risks of diagnostic specimens, infectious substances or dangerous goods and prevent cross-contamination.

Prevent Fluids From Soaking or Leaking Through Shipping Containers & Provide Peace of Mind!

Constructed with water-soluble paper and super absorbent polymers, DriMop Liquid Absorbers make cleaning up spills quicker and easier. They also help comply with DOT, CDC, OSHA, IATA, ICAO, US Postal Service, Military Specimen Shipping and United Nation Regulations!

Easy to use and fact acting,  DriMop® absorber pouches  will quickly immobilize fluids.  DriMop® 0.5 gram and 1.5 gram pouches are specially formulated to burst open in the presence of a wide range of fluids quickly. Made with a specially formulated fiber-based paper bonded with the  immobilizing powder and superabsorbent polymers, these drop-in pouches are awesome for safe compliant transportation.

Use DriMop® Liquid Absorber for applications that include:

  • Test Kits
  • Lab Trays
  • Medical Specimens
  • Test Tubes, Vials and Medical Containers
  • Medical Infectious Red Bags
  • Kick Buckets
  • Specimen Shipping Containers and Bags
  • Evidentiary Collection Kits
  • Sharps Disposal Collectors
  • Protection of Package During Transport

Appreciated by Infection Control Coordinators, Shippers, Professional Sports, College Athletics, Risk Management Professionals, and Operating Room Supervisors, DriMop® Liquid Solidifiers will allow your facility to be compliant  with the handling and transport protection of potentially hazardous/infectious bio-waste and reduce infectious waste exposure to patients. Made in the USA!  Don't take our word for it,

+browse our Fluid Containment Products today!

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Eastern Time

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+(800) 274-4637   |   +(716)668-4001   |    [email protected]

We Want You to Go Home Safely Every Day!