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Improve Workplace Safety with SnakeArmor® PPE Clothing

Lightweight Puncture-Resistant Clothing

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TurtleSkin® patented line of snake bite protection products not only protect outdoor enthusiasts such as hunters or hikers, but are essential protection for industrial occupations that work with sharp objects or outside in areas with rattlesnakes, cottonmouths and copperheads.

Employers and environmental health safety officers can easily enhance workplace compliance and personal safety with SnakeArmor® Chaps, Gaiters and Pants.

Weighing one-third the weight of other garments, the lightweight and flexible textile design allows individuals to move freely and is a comfortable solution for workers to wear in warm climates or the summer months. In addition, this innovative material has a wind and water resistant finish making them an option to wear in cooler and wetter seasons too. All of TurtleSkin’s SnakeArmor® products can be machine washed and they are easy to take care of and keep clean for your staff.

Greater Focus Means Elevated Productivity

For peace of mind and confidence, SnakeArmor® provides reliable snake bite protection that has been tested on live diamondback rattlesnakes and is lab certified to repel snake bites and venom. This provides peace of mind, confidence and allows workers to focus on completing their work tasks. (view test data at bottom)

Rattlesnakes and other venomous snakes have the excellent ability to camouflage themselves and blend into their habitats. It is easy for people working outside to not see a rattlesnake until it is too late but the SnakeArmor® line of puncture-resistant clothing will protect workers from unseen snakes that may be hidden in tall grass, blended into a pile of leaves, or sunning on a rock or log you step near.

SnakeArmor® for Industry | Elevate Workplace Safety

Border Patrol/Law Enforcement

Did You Know That the State of Arizona Has 13 species of Rattlesnakes?

TurtleSkin® Snake Gaiters are great for Border Patrol agents working in desert like climates such as California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. These U.S. states are the home to many different populations of rattlesnakes and wearing gaiters as part of the uniform provide agents peace of mind.  The sage color combo matches their uniform pretty good too!


Landscaping can be a dangerous job if you’re working in area with venomous snakes. It’s easy to not see a snake in tall grass or lying in a flower bed. Turtleskin® SnakeArmor® Chaps and Gaiters are a great solution for employers looking to improve their workplace safety when shaping the landscape.

Farmers and Ranchers

Many farmers and ranchers in states like Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico spend many hours outside tending livestock and stringing barbed wire fences making the +Total Protection Chaps an ideal solution as the lightweight design is bearable in the very warm summer heat. Many farmers and ranchers bring along a working companion making the +DogArmor Safety Vest ideal protection for canines tending the field.

Land Surveyors

This is one of those occupations where one never really knows where your work is going to take you or the type of environment you will be working in. Surveyors may be mapping undisturbed land with tall grass and wooded areas with heavy brush and wearing +Below the Knee Chaps will provide professionals with peace of mind when working out in dense vegetation, swap marshes or arid desserts.

Loggers and Foresters

Timber Rattlesnakes make their homes in heavily wooded areas and forests and are easy to miss when lying under logs or piles of leaves. TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® products are a great solution for loggers working in areas with rattlesnakes and among vegetation with thorns, spines or prickles.


One of the largest industries that TurtleSkin® supplies SnakeArmor® to is to the electric industry for lineman workers who work in southern states with large rattlesnake populations. When servicing power lines or servicing transformers, lineman can be exposed to venomous snakes that are drawn to the heat generated by transformers.

DOT Workers

DOT workers and full-service utility contractors are expected to perform tree pruning and removal, right-of-way clearing and maintenance, vegetation management that includes weed whacking and mowing. Workers can certainly cross paths with rattlesnakes in this line of work making Turtleskin® +SnakeArmor® Gaiters ideal work attire.


Clinical waste disposal carries with it a risk of serious and possibly life-threatening infection. Lurking among the refuse could be anything from a dirty diaper to toxic or hazardous materials, but feared the most are the items that can cut or puncture the skin. Jagged or sharp items such as metals, plastics and lumber can cut flesh and having an open wound on a dirty mobile truck puts operators at grave risk to infection but feared the most are puncture injuries from unregulated disposal of syringes. +SnakeArmor® Pants help reduce needle stick injuries from hypodermic needles and puncture injuries from items like nails, glass and more.

Purchase a pair of SnakeArmor® Protective Gaiters, Chaps or Pants and hunt, hike or work in confidence and with complete freedom of movement. Contact MDS to place an order or for unpublished institutional or volume price discounts today!

+Shop for TurtleSkin® SnakeArmor® now

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View PDF Turtleskin® Test Data.